48362 34M Meadowmere Night by Gingiber for Moda
- Meadowmere Night by Gingiber
- £3.90
All products > Fabric > Fabric by Maker > Moda Shop > Meadowmere by Gingiber for Moda
It is time to take a walk through the meadow together. You might see a grasshopper or some mushrooms sprouting under an old willow tree. Look! A butterfly resting its wings.
Welcome to Meadowmere.
This fabric collection is a magical mix of flowers, winged creatures, and the essence of a meadow full of new life. With metallic gold details and floral illustrations, this range will inspire you to walk outside, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and appreciate the magnificent world we live in.
Juberry Fabric sell in multiples of one long quarter, 25cm x WOF. To order one metre simply order four long quarters.